Search by Owner Name

IMPORTANT: Search by business name, without commas or apostrophes, example JOHNS SHOE STORE.
Note that you will get auto-suggest help after the first three letters you enter, limiting the suggestions to the names actually in this database. Note: This version of the auto-suggest will return results for what you've typed, so that you can sometimes find a business name suggested by entering one of the words in the name, example SHOE, which will suggest not only names beginning with "SHOE" but any business with the word "SHOE" in the name.

Search by Address

Street Number:
Street Name:
IMPORTANT: Use only numerals for Street Number. Note that you will get auto-suggest to help you with street names after the first three letters you enter, limiting the suggestions to street names actually in this database. Do not use street directions, suffixes, etc. Any multiple matches for different jurisdictions, for different street directions, etc., will be selectable in the next step. Use the full word "SAINT" for Saint street names.

Search by Account Number

Account Number:
IMPORTANT: Account numbers for personal property begin with the numeral "2" and are seven digits long. If have only a one-to-five digit account number from our prior system, you may enter it here and it may be translated successfully. If so, please make a note of the new, correct number.
The information supplied by the Lafayette Parish Assessor's office is public information data and must be accepted and used with the understanding that the data was collected for the purpose of creating a Property Tax Roll per Louisiana Statute. The Lafayette Parish Assessor makes no warranties, expressed or implied, concerning the accuracy, completeness, reliability, or suitability of this data for any particular use and assumes no liability for the use or misuse of this public information and data. Users are limited to a reasonable volume of property searches. The Lafayette Parish Assessor makes every effort to produce and publish the most current and accurate information possible. The assessment data presented herein is for the 2020 tax year and is current through the end of the prior business day.